Sunday, July 17, 2011

Family Dental Plan Insurance - High risk Dental Insurance

High risk dental insurance is a type of dental insurance that are afforded dental insurance clients who are considered financially unsound due to problems that had been experienced from them in the past with different insurance companies. The title of this kind of insurance would denote the kind of dental insurance clients it would cater to - high risk clients. To compensate for the risk that these dental insurance companies are taking by accepting clients that are considered high risk, these companies will be charging a much higher dental insurance cost.

As in all other types of business, dental insurance companies has their own background identification checking and information sharing of client relationship to identify insured clients who had been remiss in their payment obligations and other negative information that would classify them as high risk. Dental Insurance applicants who would be included in these lists will automatically be rejected by dental insurance companies because of their unsound financial relationship with other insurance companies. The growing number of dental insurance applicants considered as high risk has lead to the creation of a dental insurance company that caters to high risk dental insurance applicants.
Sometimes when it comes to problematic dental insured clients, the usual problems that would create issues in their payments would be the limitations that some of the insurance companies has in the coverage that they provide their clients. These limitations, which if not fully explained to the clients, will cause irritations and disagreement between the dental insurance company and the insured clients causing the clients to renege on their payments either to the insurance company or to the dental provider that may have provided the service. Still, there are clients that are just too hard up to pay up due to some financial problems that would result to their names being considered as high risk.

Being considered a high risk dental insurance applicant will of course subject your insurance application to outright rejection by most dental insurance companies. In these regard, you can end up applying for insurance from dental insurance companies accepting high risk dental insurance applicants. In recognition of the plight of low salaried workers and employees when it comes to their dental insurances and benefits, every state in the country has its own state law in terms of assisting hard up dental insurance applicants out rightly rejected by dental insurance companies as being high risk. You can consider applying for those high risk dental insurance policies sponsored by individual state to help their citizen avail of a dental insurance coverage that are government sponsored.
It would be considered as a relief if you can get a dental health insurance even on a high risk insurance policy especially if it is government sponsored. It is much better than to have no dental insurance at all. If your dental insurance application was rejected because you are considered as a high risk applicant, you can try searching the internet for dental insurance companies that are accepting high risk dental insurance applicants. You can also access the website of your City and look for high risk dental insurance sponsorship. Before applying for a sponsorship, be sure that you have read the pertinent guidelines and checklist if you qualify for such a state sponsored high risk dental insurance policy holder plan.
Learn more details in understanding dental insurance deductibles lifetime limits as well as how to get affordable dental insurance only when you visit, the premier portal on affordable dental health insurance

Thursday, June 9, 2011

tips for healthy teeth

Several years ago, I corresponded with Dr. David
Kennedy, author of "How to Save Your Teeth:  Toxic-
Free Preventive Dentistry."
Dr. Kennedy graciously gave me permission to
share the following excerpts from his book:
His top three tips for healthy teeth, as outlined
in the post above, are:
1.  Get all types of sugar - even natural sugars -
off your teeth as soon as you can.  When brushing
isn't possible immediately following a meal, consider
at least thoroughly rinsing with water. 
2.  Use baking soda to help neutralize acids that
make their way onto your teeth.
3.  Consider having cavity-prone grooves in permanent
molar teeth sealed.
Be sure to have a look at the post above for more
thoughts from Dr. Kennedy on maintaining healthy teeth. 
Your diet is undoubtedly a huge determinant of
how healthy your teeth are.  Like all of your tissues,
your teeth are nourished from the inside-out via
your blood, so to build and maintain healthy teeth,
you need to ensure ongoing intake of foods that
are rich in vitamins and minerals. 
Dark green, leafy lettuce like romaine is one of
nature's best food choices for nourishing your
teeth.  Straight up, blended, or juiced, I typically
recommend shooting for one whole head of romaine
lettuce per day in cases where it's clear that a
person needs to increase mineral intake. 
In supplement form, I've experienced excellent
results with our whole food Bone Support tablet
formula, which contains all of the essential
nutrients your body needs to build and maintain
healthy teeth and bones:
Here's one note that I recently received about
our Bone Support formula:
Dear Dr. Ben,
I'm thrilled to tell you that the sensitivity
that I had around my molars has been gone for
about a month.  It took about three months for
things to take effect.  I've become a flossing
maniac with all this lettuce (that I'm eating)
but it's totally worth feeling like my teeth are
much stronger. 
Thanks again for your recommendations.
Susan K.
Ojai, CA
Susan had already been doing a good job with
maintaining good hygiene and following a relatively
healthy diet.
The two recommendations that I shared and that
seemed to make a significant difference were to
eat a head of romaine every day along with six
tablets of Bone Support. 
On to a different topic, I just heard from another
reader in Florida who reported recovering from a
chronic anal fissure by following some of the
recommendations in the following article:
Though most anal fissures heal quickly on their
own, in some cases, they can become chronic and
painful to the point of being debilitating. 
If you've ever spotted bright red blood on your
toilet tissue following a bowel movement, you've
likely had an anal fissure. 
Be sure to do a quick review of the post above
to ensure that you're doing what you can to keep
the tissues that make up the lower portion of your
colon healthy. 
Over the past few days, I've been learning more
about the life of George Washington Carver, a
brilliant inventor who was one of the first to
encourage farming of peanuts and sweet potatoes
back in the early 1900's. 
I'll leave you today with one of Mr. Carver's
observations on life that resonated deep within:
"How far you go in life depends on your being
tender with the young, compassionate with the aged,
sympathetic with the striving, and tolerant of the
weak and strong. Because someday in your life you
will have been all of these."
I can just about hear the chorus of Amen's out there.
Probably the single best quote ever for injecting
a little humility into one's day, right?
Until next time, be safe and healthy.
Ben Kim

Friday, October 1, 2010


Breaking News!
FDA Approved Another Drug NowDangerous! Shown
Is this "News" or just "Business as Usual" for the FDA?

Once again, the FDA had approved a drug but now "found a dozen instances in which patients taking [drug "A"] appeared to suffer serious heart problems that were not counted in the study's tally of adverse events. " -

Thursday, September 30, 2010

Dentist anxiety

Getting Over Your Fear Of The Dentist

Dental anxiety or fearing the dentist is a problem that many people have, and something that is somewhat difficult to overcome. This fear normally prevents rational people from visiting the dentist and maintaining the health of their teeth. The key to keeping your teeth healthy is to prevent problems before they start. Those who suffer from dental anxiety will try to avoid going to the dentist, which results in problems.

When someone who suffers from dental anxiety finally goes to the dentist, they normally find that even the smallest of problems can turn serious and require a lot of work and intervention from the dentist. Even though you may not realize it, regular cleaning visits to your dentist is the best way to keep your teeth healthy, and prevent problems such as decay and cavities.

You can use several techniques to overcome dental anxiety. Some of the techniques require mild sedatives, also referred to as sedation. Sedation is a way to relax, given by breathing or IV (Intra Vein) through a vein in your arm. Sedation will help you to calm down, although you will normally be awake to answer questions or talk to your dentist.

Some people who suffer from dental anxiety have had bad experiences. Any type of negative dental experience will normally result in emotional scarring and last for years. Anything that results in negative feelings for the patient will normally cause them to feel in a negative way toward the entire dental profession. Although all dentists aren't bad - a negative experience will certainly make a patient feel that way.

When you look fora dentist, you should always ask your family and friends who they use, and who they recommend. When you visit a dentist, you shouldn't hesitate to ask him any questions that come to mind, so you can be more relaxed. You should always keep in mind that you are customer, and the dentist is the one who needs to make you feel relaxed. Never should you feel intimidated, as the best dentists will do everything they can to establish a sense of trust.

Establishing trust is very important with the patient/dentist relationship. You'll be going to your dentist on a frequent basis, so you'll want to be sure that you can trust him. When you go to your dentist for the first time, you should let him know about your dental anxiety. If he isn't willing to talk about it with you or do things to help you relax, you should look into a new dentist.

You can always tell who the better dentists are by the type of facilities they have. Dentists who have a lot of customers or nice offices, have established themselves and proved that they are indeed the best. If a dentist has a lot of customers, it lets you know that he has them for a reason. People that are satisfied with a dentist, normally return.

If you suffer from dental anxiety, you should always let your dentist know in advance. This way, he work with you to overcome your fear. Over time, you'll find that you can overcome your fear and establish a great relationship with your dentist. You can get over your fear of dentists, no matter how bad your fear may be. It will take you some time, although your dentist should be willing to work with you. Before you know it, you'll be over your fear and more than willing to go to your dentist.